The genealogy begins with three brothers, sons of tichel, relatives of Hauteville, and according to some authors that they were descended from the Dukes of Normandy .
- Tichel (XI cent.) Norman Noble, related to the Altavilla, perhaps a descendant of the Dukes of Normandy, according to other authors whose name was Ruggiero is mentioned in the act of donation of goods to the Abbey of Cava de ‘Tyrrhenians in 1094 by D -elected Turgisio daughter and wife of Herbert Caputasini, son of Norman Anfredo; mentions Angerio act as his father’s brother’s children and Turigisio tichel; = NN
- A1. Angerio (* XI sec., + prior to October 1105) , Norman soldier, arrived in Italy with his brothers Turgisio and Silvanus, as a result of Robert Guiscard of which was related; Lord of the Castle of St. Benefactor, at Cava dei Tirreni, with his son Robert (Giono and granted them for a one night by Roger Duke of Apulia in 1086, but soon after he was forced to give it to the Abbey of Cava), 1st Lord of sub-feud of the Court level (or Corteimpiano), obtained in exchange for S. Benefactor, and was headed into an act of Roberto Prince of Capua (1106), and his descendants were vassals of Quarrel Drengot Principles of Capua gave many lands to the Benedictine monks of SS. Trinity of Cava; = Urania, sister of Lambert, was the founder of the Filangieri (his descendants fact Filii Angerii said: “sons of Angerio”).
- B1. Roberto ( * XI sec., + after 1111); Consignore of the Castle of St. Benefactor with his father (1106), is appointed as a neighbor feud in an act through which the Jordan, Prince of Capua, gives an estate to the Abbey of Cava (1111);
- B2. Wilhelm I (* XI sec., + after 1120) , 2nd Lord of Corteimpiano (sub-feud Nocera) 1105 approx.; donated to the Monastery of St. Michele Arcangelo Nocera in the middle of his farm in the district of Squid (the repose of the souls of his parents and by order of Jordan of Capua, his lord), intervened in an act of agreement of Jordan II, son of Jordan I, Prince of Capua with the Badia di Cava (September 1111), who was also signing it and giving other goods at S. Benefactor, donated it to the monastery of Santa Maria di Nocera half of his two farms in Nocera (1117) = NN
- C1. Giordano The (* end of the eleventh century., + 1170 approx.) , 3rd Lord of Corteimpiano and various feuds; Nocera gave some land in the Abbey of Cava with the obligation for the brothers to celebrate masses for his soul (September 1143) = NN
- D1. Wilhelm II (* twelfth century., + 1187) , 4th Lord of Corteimpiano and various feuds; granted various goods to his vassals of Nocera (1176), donated by son Jordan a stable Nocera at the monastery of St. Angelo de Cryprta; knight dear to King Roger of Hauteville, Chamberlain of King Roger I and his successor King William I, during the Third Crusade (1187) examined the barons who were to participate in and he gave four soldiers instead of four for the enterprise; mentioned in the Catalogus Baronum of Wilhelm II between feudatatri of the kingdom; = NN
- E1. Giordano II (* twelfth century., + after 1187), 5th Lord of Corteimpiano and various feuds, confirmed to the Abbey of Cava a farm in Nocera granted by his grandfather Jordan I (1187) = Olimpiase;
- F1. Guidone (* second half of approx. twelfth century., + 8/11/1256, buried in Nocera in the church of San Francesco ) , 6th Lord of Corteimpiano, Lord of the hamlet of San Marzano and other feuds; exempted Fathers Humiliated the monastery of Materdomini from tax Terratico due to him in San Marzano (May 1234) and he obtained it from the amnesty funeral expenses made for the parents and wife, he gave the same monastery, with the consent of his son Roger, a stable in hamlet of San Marzano (1234, confirmed by the Emperor Frederick II in 1242), then in perpetual lease granted to the monastery of St. Angelo de Cryprta a land Nocera (June 1237), was very dear to Frederick II, was one of the Barons of the Principality confidants and had custody of the hostage Piacenza Jacopo de Rizzola (1239), 1st Lord of Socera (invested in 1249/50 approx. Federico II), granted a fief to his son Roger; all’acivescovo of Salerno demanded and obtained a benefit for his faithful clerk (1250), for his son’s death Ruggiero gave to the Abbey of Cava four lands for weekly Masses for the child and the parents (March 1255), he built the convent (now St. Anthony), next to the church of San Francesco, in Nocera; = Marotta (+ before 1234);
- G1. Ruggiero (* thirteenth century. + before March 1255 and buried in the Abbey of Cava), 2nd Lord of Nocera (1250), then returned to feud with his father, a knight of the Emperor Frederick II, very dear to him, he served in the Militia of the Kingdom (1239);
- G2. Riccardo I (* thirteenth century., + at the battle of Benevento, 1266), 3rd Lord of Nocera, Lord of the hamlet of San Marzano, Nusco, Satriano, San Letters and other various feuds (from 1256), the Royal Falconer Frederick II (with Acquaviva Bernardo), Mayor of Naples (1253) after the fall of the Swabians, fought against Conrad IV siege of the city (1254) but in the end, surrendered as long as you rispettasero people and goods, and was instead from Corrado exiled and stripped of all his possessions, together with the other Neapolitan nobles who had fought in the siege, Pope Innocent III confirmed the fiefs had nominally under the Swabians (1254) and that Nocera, etc.. and Gragnano, had by his wife, gave a well in a Casolla at Nocera, the church of Materdomini (1255), then was loyal to King Manfred of Sicily, with whom he died in battle; = Jacoba di Cottone (1270 + approx.) , daughter of Peter Cotton, Count of Gragnano, Countess of Nocera and other fiefs, or confiscated property to his son Richard II (1268-1270 approx.), then given to others;
- H1. Richard II called “junior”, 1st Count of Marsico, 4th Lord of Nocera, Lord of the hamlet of San Marzano, Rocchetta, Nusco, and other estates (after the tutorship of his uncle Jordan); pretended before the faithful Carlo I of Anjou, then participated in the conspiracy by Giovanni da Procida for the arrival of Conrad of Swabia (1267/68), after the battle of Tagliacozzo (1268) and then suffered the confiscation of property and was banished, took refuge at the court of Peter d’Aragona, Sicily; = Caramanna, daughter of Robert of Caramanno;
- I1. Filangieri Jordan III (XIII cent.) was the Founder of the Filangieri of Sicily
- I2. Aldoino (or Arduino) (+ 27/12/1283), 1st Lord of Candida (1269), (and therefore his descendants were called Filangieri Candida (or simply Candida ) , Arianello, Rowan, Villamaina, Atripalda Sarcone, Trefeudi, Lord of Solofra and Abriola (who had by his wife); Executioner of Terra di Bari (IX/1284); Mastro rational (28/11/1284) = Giordana Tricarico Sanseverino (+ before 1297), daughter of James, Earl of Tricarico, Lord of Solofra (his daughter dowry), Serino and Sant’Agata.
- L1. Sinfredina ; = (by royal assent 12.05.1269) Peter Capece Galeota said “Serpico,” Lord of Serpico (which had his nickname);
- L2. Angela ; = (1308) Bernardo Caracciolo.
- L3. Richard III (1321 + prematurely), 2nd Lord of Candida, Solofra, etc.. (From December 27, 1283), the most important barons of the kingdom; participated in the war against the Aragonese in the service of Thomas Sanseverino, Count of Marsico, who defended the lands of the Principality, and was always faithful to the Angevin Charles II wanted him so much that in the parliament of Melfi, extended just to allow his participation. Taken prisoner in Sicily in 1298, he was released through the intervention of the Angevin king, in 1301. The king himself was anxious to preserve, during his imprisonment, the fief of his faithful; = Francesca Della Marra (which in 1348 and then married Thomas de Matteo Ruggiero, patricians of Salerno).
- M1. Constance ; noblewoman;
- M2. Giovanna ; noblewoman;
- M3. Giordana ; noblewoman;
- M4. Filangieri Philip I (* 1310 + 1372), 3rd Lord of Candida, etc. Solofra. (Happened in 1321 and on which fiefs which he paid the relevio in 1324) grew up under the tutelage of his uncle Roger and then the mother; cabellano of the family of King Robert; = 1 m. (1331) Maria di Capua (see) (by whom he had several children), daughter of James, Prothonotary and the Kingdom of Robertella Gesualdo, 2nd m. Ilaria Arena.
- N1. (1 m). Filangieri Giovan Antonio , probably died young;
- N2. Riccardo Filangieri , probably died young;
- N3. (2nd m.) Giacomo Antonio also known as “Cobello” (XIV cent.) 1st Earl of Avellino, 4th Lord of Candida, etc.. (Since 1372) (for which he continued to use the surname Candida ), Lord of Frigento, Chiusano, Lapine, Castelvetere Santomagno, Abriola (inherited from his uncle Martuccios), Tito, Montemarano, Arianello, Pietraperciata; squire and family of King Robert; Marshal of the Kingdom; enemy of Joanna I, was among those who imprisoned her and killed her, getting to this Avellino and other privileges; Executioner of Basilicata; = Giovanna Minutolo.
- O1. Giacomo said “James” Filangieri Nicholas I (+ 1399), 2nd Earl of Avellino, 5th Lord of Candida, Lord of Chiusano, Montaperto, Parolini, Castelvetere Holy Mango, Calvello, Frigento, Orta and Tuff; = Francesca Sanframondo; was the Founder of the Filangieri of Avellino
- P1. Filangieri Catherine (+ 1432/47), 4th Countess of Avellino; = 1418 just before John said, “Sir John” Caracciolo (* 1372 approx. + murdered, Napoli 19/08/1432), son of Francis and Covella Sardo , Patrizio Napoletano, armed Knight on 26/05/1411, Grand Seneschal of the Kingdom of Naples from 1-1418, Count of Avellino (for back in 1418 his mistress Jeanne II applied a resolution calling Pragmatic Filangieria with which he allowed that to happen in and assets in the securities of Filangieri Avellino), with the lands of Capua, St. Erasmus, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Tower of Greek, Ottaiano, Policastro, Lagonegro, Countryside, Contursi, Postiglione and Roccagloriosa from 01.25.1418, the Lord of Cerignola and Orta (bought and then sold to his brother Marino), 1st Duke of Venosa with privilege of 12-3 – 1425 with the lands of Venosa, Melfi, Atella, Ripacandida and Rapolla, Earl of St. George for purchase; famous minister and lover of Queen Joan II of Naples.
- P2. Filangieri James Nicholas II (+ 1409), 3rd Earl of Avellino, who died without descendants ( then opened a dynastic crisis, since Uncle Philip “the Priest” claimed to inherit the goods of this nephew, but in the meantime, King Ladislaus incorporated the estates of the family in the royal demesne, in 1409, waiting to deal with any clones, which he did later Joan II in 1418, giving the estates of that family to John Caracciolo, husband of Catherine, sister of James Nicholas II and thus causing the rebellion of Philip “the Priest” ).
- P3. Aldoino Filangieri , who died young; Noble;
- P4. Filangieri John , who died young; Noble;
- P5. Filangieri Urban , who died young; Noble;
- O2. Lancillo Filangieri ; Noble;
- O3. Riccardo Filangieri (+ 1408); Noble;
- O4. Constance Filangieri ; noblewoman;
- O5. Filangieri Andrea ; Noble;
- O6. Phillip II called “the Priest” (+ after 1426, perhaps in prison, perhaps in Aversa, or drowned in the Volturno), 6th Lord of Candida with pure and mixed empire (22/02/1413) (for which he used the surname Candida ); captain and governor of Candida; family of King Ladislaus; fought against Joan II, who granted the assets of the branch Filangieri Ser Gianni Caracciolo di Avellino (with the Pragmatic Filangieria), who defeated him and imprisoned (1426); thus lost all his estates; = NN
- P1. John , Lord of Castelvetere (invested 1/22/1400), married in 1403 (dowry of 3000 ducats) Colia, daughter of the 2nd Earl of Fulcone Ruffo Sinopoli (v.)
- Q1. (Child or grandchild) Salvatore (he and his descendants used the surname of Candida ) (XV cent.); nobleman; = NN
- R1. John (+ before 1484), man-at-arms of Alfonso of Aragon (1441); Sopracimblerio and faithful to King Alfonso I, Director of the Duchess of Burgundy (1475), 1st Lord of Tufara captains (appointed by King Ferrante I, 13-3-1465); had the right to pull 40 wagons of salt from the salt pans of Barletta, secretary and family of King Ferrante I, King Ferrante bought from the earth “alli Canni” at Afragola (1461) = Vannella Monforte.
- S1. Bernardina (+ maiden pre-1494), 2nd Lady of Tufara.
- S2. Lucretia (+ VIII-1513), 3rd Lady of Tufara (by judgment of the Holy Royal Council of 06.21.1494); = John de Cuncto, Amalfi, Cannicchio Baron, died without heirs (he left his property the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Cape greater Naples, in Naples, where he was buried).
- S3. Eleonora (XV-XVI cent.) 4th Lady of Tufara (1523); = Buffillo Crispano, Patrizio Napoletano’s seat of Capuana.
- S4. Bernardina (XV-XVI cent.) obtained as a gift from his father a house and garden in Naples, in Piazza Volcanoes (Royal assent of King Ferdinand I in 1485); = Francis Gambacorta (v.) , Patrizio Napoletano of I sit on the Mountain.
- N4. Filangieri John ; Noble;
- N5. Filangieri Peter ; Noble;
- M5. Martuccios , 3rd Lord of Abriola (which was given to him by his father in 1319), died without children (for which his estate passed to his nephew, James Anthony).
- L4. Olympia ; noblewoman; = Simone Del Tufo.
- L5. Palermo ; Noble and Soldier (1271);
- L6. Tommaso ; Noble, according to some authors lived in Benevento, where he had offspring.
- L7. Giordano (+ Benevento in the first half of the fourteenth century.); feudal lord (paid on the ADOA maternal feuds with his brother in 1297) was the Founder of the Filangieri of Benevento, Lucera (then ascribed Noble Italian Official List in 1921 with the name Candida) and Naples M1. Samuel (XIII-XIV cent.) Patrizio di Benevento, later lived in Giffuni; had annual pension of 40 ounces of gold on the customs of anfredonia (11/07/1331). was the progenitor of the line of the patricians of Benevento (Cancellara and then Barons of the Holy Cross) (this branch then used the surname Candido ) = NN
- M2. Giacomo ; Patrizio di Benevento, soldier, Marshal and family of King Robert, then went to live in Lucera (1324), yielding 60 measures from the ruler of the land; ( mistakenly Rich says son of Richard of Aldoino ). Since he went down the line of the patricians of Lucera
- N1. Angelo , Patrick Lucera; Knight salaried personal merits and father to King Robert and confirmed by Queen Joanna I (27/11/1344) = Isabella Scassa, Nobile di Lucera (patricians only for males).
- O1. Giacomo (died young and was buried in the sanctuary of Montevergine); Patrick Lucera; beloved family of King Charles III of Anjou-Durazzo (1383) ( erroneously Rich says that the child died ).
- O2. Salvatore (or perhaps Salvatore Nicholas Thomas), Abbot of St Mary of Ripalta; Patrick Lucera.
- O3. Nicholas said, “Of Candida Cola” (* 1417 + second half of the century. XV); Patrick Lucera, a man of arms, royal knight and squire of Alfonso I (1442) = Gaspara Carapresa, Nobile di Lucera (patriciate only for males).
- P1. Luca , was the progenitor of the line of the Lords of San Primo (from whom descended the Counts Candida Gonzaga )
- P2. John , Patrick Lucera, secretary of King Charles VIII of France (1495), which won the right to 400 wagons of salt from the salt pans of Barletta, secretary of the Duchess of Burgundy.
- P3. Agnes ; dead girl .
- P4. Giasio ; Patrick Lucera; dead child .
- O4. Andrea ” Candida “Regional Councillor, President of the Royal House of Sommaria; Gerosolomitano Knight (later Knight Grand Cross), Grand Prior of Barletta (1424) Order Gerosolomitano; Lord of Santa Maria Volcano (1428), Lord of Lisano (1444), man of letters and a brave soldier .
- M3. Gregory ; Patrizio di Benevento Benevento judge; = Giovanna Carapresa.
- M4. Pietro ; Patrick Benevento; Judge at the Stratico of Salerno (1335) = NN; Since he went down the line of the Lords of San Nicola de Carcisi and the Lords of Cotignano (this branch used the surname Candida ).
- N1. Antonuccio ; Patrick Benevento; = NN
- O1. Pietro ; soldier; ConSignore of San Nicola de Caracisi with his brother James, the Lord of the castle Preturo; Lord of Solons (1456) and Acqualonga (1459), Lord of Montepereo, Mancusi and Lentace; Patrizio di Benevento, secretary of Pope Callistus III, secretary of king Alfonso I, who granted him Anue 100 ounces of gold (1456), Captain of war in the province of Isernia and then Principality; Castellano Montesarchio, European Commissioner collector of the province of the Principality; Castellano Monteleone (1463 ), then passed to his son Charles to order Royal (1467), in exchange for castellania Introdacqua; = Cobella Caracciolo.
- P1. Alfonso (+ before the father); Castellano life of Introdacqua (1465), courtier of Ferrante; Patrizio di Benevento, paid 300 ducats to the king; = Margaret Calenda.
- Q1. Hannibal (+ 1528), Lord of part of San Nicola de Caracisi (05/30/1508), which risked losing for not reporting the death of his grandfather and great-uncle Peter James (1504); Patrick Benevento; = Hippolyte de Ristariis.
- R1. Lucantonio (+ 1557), Lord of ¼ of San Nicola de Caracisi (1529) Patrick of Benevento; = Beatrice Spadafora, Patricia Benevento.
- S1. Alfonso (* 03.27.1542), Lord of ¼ of San Nicola de Caracisi (1557) Patrick of Benevento; = Livia Capasso, Patricia Benevento.
- T1. Antonio (1596 + approx.), Baron of San Nicola de Caracisi; Patrizio di Benevento (recognized as such) = Isabella Bizotta, Patricia Benevento.
- U1. Antonia (* 1595, + 1597); dead child . At his death, the estate of S. Nicholas went to her aunt Hippolyta.
- T2. Hippolyta , Baroness of Saint Nicholas de Caracisi after the death of his niece Antonia (1597);
- S2. Nicholas , Lord of part of San Nicola de Caracisi (1557), Patrizio di Benevento.
- P2. Carlo ; Castellano Monteleone (1467), Lord of part of San Nicola de Caracisi (05/30/1508), which sells a part with Hannibal nephew, Roberto Tocco; = Beatrice Calenda (+ 8/9 / 1533), sister of Margaret.
- Q1. Alessandro ; Lord of part of San Nicola de Caracisi, Lord of Cotignano (fief had a dowry from his wife), and these feuds that then gave them to his sister for her wedding; captain of War (1522), he moved to Nola; = Sista Frezza, Nobile di Nola, who brought a dowry Cotignano. Since he went down the line of Patrizi Nola (as remembered Mazzella, in the description of the Kingdom of Naples)
- Q2. Diego Mario (+ 01/05/1571), Lord of part of San Nicola de Caracisi, Lord of Cotignano (fiefs had a dowry from his wife, but with whom Alexander had ensured that the dowry to his sister in law, however, Diego M. became sole ruler after the death of his mother Beatrice) = Isabella Mastrilli, Nobile di Nola.
- R1. Faustina ; Lady of San Nicola de Caracisi, Lady of Cotignano, Eve and feudal houses in Nola; = John Ferdinando de Laudisio.
- O2. Giacomo ; ConSignore of San Nicola de Caracisi with his brother Peter Castellano Gate (1443), Ischia (1466) and then Reggio; enjoyed tax immunity (1445); valiant military and royal family; = NN
- P1. Fusco ; Castellano Ischia (1491).
- O3. John (+ 1510 buried in the cathedral of Cattle), Bishop of Bovino (1477).
- M5. John said “Giovannello” Patrizio di Lucera; brave captain (1287), buried in the church of S. Francis in Lucera.
- M6. Nicholas , Patrick Benevento, notary of the Kingdom (1307 for the privilege);
- L8. Ruggiero (or Rogereno); Lord provisional Candida, etc.. (In 1300, replacing his brother prisoner of the Sicilians), Lord of the Castle of Viticio (1304), tutor to the sons of his brother Philip grandchildren; = Tommasa Vietri, daughter and heir of Roger, Lord of Vietri He was the Founder of the Filangieri Patrizi’s Nest in the Seat of Naples (later terminated)
- L9. Adamo (1284 +) Noble; = (royal assent 11.11.1283, with a dowry of 100 ounces of gold) Renza Della Marra (qv) , daughter of Angelo II.
- I3. Lottiero Filangieri ; Executioner of Terra di Bari (1284 in sostitzione’s brother);
- I4. Roberto Filangieri ; Noble;
- I5. Filangieri William ; Noble;
- I6. Filangieri Best ; Noble;
- H2. Isabella ; noblewoman; Ilaria church after the death of his nephew Richard of Bursone part due to her on the family property and obtained from the Court that her nephew would pay one hundred ounces of gold, taking the pledge and farmhouses Quaglietta Baiano (1303) = William of Recuperanza Visconti of Pisa;
- H3. Ilaria (+ Nocera, ca 1300. therein and buried in the church of San Marco, now the cathedral); Lady of the manor of Cancellara and heir of various household goods; = 1 m. N. Filangieri, Lord of Arpaia, etc. Arienzo., 2nd m. (1269), James Brussone (qv) , a noble Provencal, Vice Admiral of the Kingdom of Sicily, who inherited the estate for the marriage of Richard II Filangieri (ie the County Marsico, the barony of Nocera, Giffoni, Satriano, San Marzano and Rocchetta and obtained other goods, always Filangieri, which Senerchia, Locullano, Trentenara and Roccapiemonte);
- G3. Giordano , Lord of the manor of Cancellara in Nocera; Captain of Sicily on this side of Salty (1229), Captain of Calabria and Sicily; tutor to the sons of his brother Richard (who died in 1266), he was ordered not to harass monks Montevergine in Nusco; passaono his property to his niece and Ilaria ;
- G4. Francesco ; Noble;
- F2. Pietro (+ after 1284 in Nocera buried in the church of San Francesco), Professor of Theology, Chaplain of Pope Martin IV, benefited from the church of San Prisco in Nocera (1283), founded in Nocera (Lower) the church of San Francis, date from officiating to the Friars Minor (today is the Convent of St. Anthony), ho fell Swabians, overwhelmed by the events, he was stripped of assets by Charles I of Anjou and fled to Rome only in 1284, through the intercession of Pope Martin IV was able to return;
- F3. Arrigo ; Noble, appears in a power of attorney given to him by his wife (1227); = Imilla, daughter of Matthew Sorrento and Rich Campolaccia;
- F4. Guglielmo ; Noble;
- A2. Turigisio (+ post 04/04/1081), Lord of Sanseverino, Count of Rota, soldier Norman, Founder of the Sanseverino .
- A3. Silvano (XI cent.), Norman soldier, lord of Robert Guiscard, the surnames of Gravina
- _______________________________
- SOURCE : Charles Hall, historical and genealogical tables of the house already Candida Filangieri, Naples, 1877. Gennaro Orlando, Nocera de’Pagani History , vol. II (“The Filangieri”), Naples 1886
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