In Satriano, lies the town Razzona, and Tower of Spadola (modern Torre di Ruggiero) which formed the Principality of Satriano. It was founded in May 1611 by King Philip IV of Spain to the House of Ravaschieri Fieschi, already owners of the Feud of Badolato. More precisely, the assignment was made to Hector Ravaschieri, Duke of Cardinal.
The principality passed from heir to heir until Ravaschieri. Around 1818, the principality of Satriano and the Duchy of Cardinal went to his nephew, Carlo Filangieri (cardinal and his story Cyril – Ed Southern Graphics 2007, p. 48).
Castle Razzona came with the Duchy. It is at the highest part of the municipal street, Via Filangieri. The palace was built between 1818 and 1860.
Carlo Filangieri received the transfer of the principality Satriano and the Duchy of Cardinal after the restoration of the Bourbon monarchy. A reference to the ‘era of the transfer of ownership can be seen in a marble plaque existing in the building which reads “November 24, 1861.
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