The building is located in the historic center of Palermo, in Kalsa , an ancient citadel Arab fortress . It has been home to four centuries of Palermo Filangeris , and then Lanza Filangieri Principles of Myrtle, which takes its name from the building.
The Filangeris are still remembered today as the most important Norman family in Sicily and southern Italy, the same strain of Sanseverino and Gravina, all descended from a common ancestor, the legendary knight Angerio, the lineage of the Dukes of Normandy, which Italy came in the wake of Tancred and of which he has mentioned already in 1069.
The Sicilian branch comes from Abbo Filangeris, living in the thirteenth century. First of the family to be given the title of Prince of Myrtle was Giuseppe De Filangeris and Spuches in 1642. We also recall the Filangeris Principles of Cutò, maternal ancestors of the writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa .
In 1830 Victoria Filangeris last of his name, joined Ignatius Lanza Branciforte, Earl of Raccuja. Their discendentii have lived in the building continuously until 1982, when the last heir of the family, Donna Maria Concetta Lanza Filangieri Myrtle donated the palace to the Sicilian Region for necessarily constituting a museum as a bequest of his brother Stephen Lanza Filangeris.
The oldest structures of building date back to the thirteenth century , but after the construction phases of the late sixteenth and the seventeenth century , the building underwent a radical transformation. Other renovations were followed throughout the course of the nineteenth century to arrive at its present form.
The interior is furnished with magnificence. Perfect example of the residences of the Palermo, the palace houses furniture ranging from the seventeenth century to ‘ nineteenth century . Numerous chandeliers Murano , lacquered panels of China , clocks, porcelain, and tapestries. As in many contemporary residences, there is a smoking-room furnished the Chinese with the leather floor. The reception rooms revolve around a pleasant terrace with a fountain rockery and decorated with a trompe l’oeil of a garden.
The palace situated between the street and Lungarini Merlo, in the heart of a privileged area since the Middle Ages to the stately mansions and in full vogue in the baroque period, it was the first home of the family Filangeris Palermo, since it became part of the heritage of the house only at the beginning of the seventeenth century as a result of the wedding, celebrated in 1594, between Don Earl of St. Peter Filangeris Marco and Francesca De Spuches daughter of Vincent.
The bride, the only daughter of De Spuches, a widow, was to be the heir to a vast family fortune, which included also the core of our building as well as the baronies of Amorosa, Villafrate, Claristello or Molizzano.
Myrtle The title is received by the lineage through Joseph Filangeris and Spuches, appointed in 1643, “the first prince of Myrtle”, after the name of a feud falling in the territory of Messina.
Palazzo Mirto was for four centuries the residence of Palermo ancient and noble family of Filangeris, whose arrival in Sicily goes back to the Norman period.
The building is the result of many changes that have occurred over the centuries: the seventeenth-century building has remained little because in 1793 the building was radically transformed by the rearrangement of the entire first floor and the realization of the prospectus and on the way Lungarini portal on the way Merlo.
Additional alterations were made during the 800 due to new housing needs in subsequent marriage with Vittoria Filangeris with Ignatius Lanza took place in 1830, after which the latter obtained to bring the titles of his wife, the last representative of ancient lineage.
800 Always a renovation of the rooms on the second floor led to the creation of a large apartment on the private life of the family, which by that time will use the first floor only for representation.
Others work intervened after 1876, when the facade was rebuilt on the way Merlo and the courtyard, where the new entrance will be created out of a shelter, according to the Parisian fashion of the century.
In 1982, the noblewoman Maria Concetta Lanza Filangeris fulfilling the will of his brother Stephen, donated the building to the Region of Sicily that he might be kept in its entirety and open to public use.
The former home of Omodeis, the Resolmini and De Spuches, the abode starting in 1594 it became the property of the House of Filangeris. Peter Filangeris, Earl of St. Mark, from the province of Messina married Francesca De Spuches, owner of the building and only daughter of Vincent de Spuches, judge of the High Court, President of the Consistory, Baron di Amorosa and Mendola. From that moment on, the palace became the residence of the family of Palermo Filangeris.
The family Filangeris, whose arrival in Sicily goes back to the Norman period, starting from the thirteenth century held important positions in the civil and religious, soon taking a leading role in the Sicilian nobility of the seventeenth century, with the acquisition of the right of exercise the “pure and mixed powers” get full power over their fiefdoms. Following the marriage of Count Don Pedro with Francesca De Spuches, Palazzo Mirto becomes family heritage.
The title Myrtle comes to the house with Joseph Filangeris and Spuches, appointed in 1643 first prince of Myrtle, the name of a feud falling in the territory of Messina. The current configuration of the house dates back to 1793 and reflects broadly the one desired by Prince Bernard, whose glories are immortalized in the fresco on the ceiling of the Salone del Baldacchino dall’Interguglielmi and built in the eighteenth century. In the eighteenth century the interests of the family are addressed to the literary field with the establishment, by Don Prince Peter of Santa Flavia, the Accademia del Buon Gusto, the current Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts nineteenth century, extinguished the male branch of the family, the family begins Lanza Filangeris, with the marriage between Victoria and Filangeris Ignatius Lanza took place in 1830.
On the ground floor of the former prison, the large and small kitchen, where the stables are kept carriages, buggies and harness the nineteenth century, forming the collection Martorana Genuardi the Barons of Hauptstrasse, now owned by the Regional Cultural Heritage and Environment, warehouses, rooms for the servants, that with the third floor, the seat of the house, complete the structure of the building.
The first floor or first floor, features a series of sumptuously furnished rooms, which follow one after the other, hanging around a courtyard with a beautiful baroque fountain and culminating in the Hall of the Baldacchino and the Tapestry Hall. In the latter parties were held and all the official ceremonies that marked the life of the nobility and which tended to exalt the excellence of the house, his indisputable prestige, but mostly represented an opportunity to reaffirm membership of an exclusive class.
The second floor , while containing environments designed for social use, but for a more restricted circle of friends, was reserved for the privacy of the family. In it are located the bedroom of the principles, the dining room, two libraries and a sequence of studies and living rooms that have similar decorative elements.
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